Services / Check-in


This service is designed to provide quick and simple access. Guests only need to present their QR code, either on their mobile device or in printed format, to be accredited automatically. QR codes can be generated by ADMIT or integrated from other platforms like Eventbrite or Passline, offering adaptability for every event.

Digital Invitations

Quick access QR codes are an efficient and secure solution for event accreditation. They can be generated and sent from our systems, either through an Online registration process or as Digital invitations sent via Email or WhatsApp. Each QR code is unique, personal, and non-transferable, ensuring that only the authorized guest can access the event. Additionally, these codes are automatically deactivated once used, preventing duplication attempts and enhancing access security. This system not only optimizes the entry management but also allows for detailed tracking of each guest's attendance.


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+54 9 11-3693-0114

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